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5 days ago

"IN-SHADOW" A Modern Odyssey - Animated Short Film

This is a very poetic visual description of the decline of the USA. A lot of the themes are global, like technological hi-jacking our minds, social media profiteering destroying the social contract, and various critiques of various industries and the deep pockets behind those industries that are pulling the strings. It could be called a visually stunning history of America, with emphasis on the more recent state of affairs.

This has no talking, just creepy background music.

#video💬 #capitalism💬 #dystopia💬


+0 comment
2 months ago

Mass Psychosis - How an Entire Population becomes Mentally Ill.

This video talks about the decent into madness, as an individual, and as a society. It then discusses totalitarianism as one such mass psychosis that seems to repeat throughout history, and even ends on a positive note with some suggestions of how to reverse the mass psychosis of totalitarianism while we're still in it's early stages. #fskynet💬

#MassPsychosis💬 #MentalHealth💬 #video💬

-69 comment
2 months ago

Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, made the following statement circa 1780:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

#capitalism💬 #bank💬 #quote💬


+14 comment
2 months ago

The sooner you do something, the more likely it is that you'll get it done.

#everyday💬 #advice💬 #timemanagement💬

-70 comment
2 months ago

Great article about what therapists are going through with health insurance, and the real reason behind the mental health crisis where people with mental illness can't get the help they need because of the shenanigans of insurance companies. The article is organized into short personal stories about why therapists who wanted to practice therapy for their patient's sake were unable to do so because of the insurance companies, and ended up either closing their practices because of financial reasons or continued their practice "out of network".

#health💬 #MentalHealth💬 #insurance💬
#WellBeing💬 #therapy💬


+1 comment
3 months ago

My critique of the UBI...

Distributing money is like handing out heroine, giving drunks a bunch of money and telling them to "spend it wisely", the UBI is going to be a nightmare for a lot of people. Maybe your heroine is OnlyFans, or DoorDash, or videogames, but it's all the same. Some crap to pass the time, to placate ourselves, to distract ourselves from our suffering, because we feel alone in the world. Surrounded by all these people, we still feel alone, because although we're connected more than ever before, we're not actually *feeling* connected or feeling a *part of anything* together. We're not "in it together", we're "in it for ourselves", and that's an existential lonliness that we can't ever solve with money because depending on money is whats causing the problem in the first place.

And this is why I'm worried about AI replacing all the jobs. It's the foretold inevitable end of the market economy, the end of wage labor, the end of capitalism, but then instead of ending capitalism we just give everyone a UBI? It'll just immerse us more permanently into the Matrix of consumerism. The heroine and the OnlyFans will only get better as AI optimizes everything, still focusing on profit and the quality of the product instead of the quality of human life.

The real problem we need to solve is that the human family is not spending enough time with each other, we're not having the conversations we need to have, we're not working on the things we need to work on, because we're all busy working for money and then throwing money at the problem. But money can never solve our problem, because it's not so much a material lack as it is a spiritual malady we're suffering from. You'd be surprised how many resources I can find wandering around homeless, you'd be surprised how hard it is to starve in America, but you'd also be surprised how much that is not what homeless people are suffering from. Every year I feel like I've got to carry more weapons with me, it's like Mad Max out here because of the drugs and the police always moving everyone around so there's no stability or sanity on the streets anymore. People are suffering from their families being disappointed in them, people are suffering from being called lazy, people are suffering from complex bureaucratic glitches and having their identity stolen and their kids stop talking to them because they're homeless and shit like that. They're suffering from wanting to work and being unable to, or being unable to find work that isn't somehow unethical. There's no "good work" left in the system. I don't want to work in a chemical plant, producing a chemical I don't think should exist. I don't want to stand there selling crap food to people that they shouldn't even be eating, with a big smile plastered on my face, when I know how nasty the kitchen behind me really is. But I'm supposed to be considered a more valuable member of society if I make money so I'm more valuable if I work at that chemical plant? Sell people sugar and bad food? I'm more valuable to society if I'm selling drugs? More valuable if I'm a good lawyer being paid to get criminals off? Or a court judge getting paid for putting innocent people away? It's a crazy life. Most of the things humans do wrong is for money, but we're considered worthless if we don't have money. Money is the crime we're all caught up in, that we all need to stop doing, and of course people with money will always blame people without money if they're trying to distract everyone from the fact that money is the problem, and that it's actually their own pursuit of profit that's making the world worse. In this system we're caught between being poor, or morally depraved. Neither of these choices are good choices. We try to make out rich people or homeless people as the bad guys but this is just another illusory division that money causes us to fall for. We need to stop hating on each other for how much or how little money we have and just forget about the money, and start circulating resources. There's plenty enough to go around, we just aren't putting in the time or energy to do it because we're all so busy working for money like a bunch of suckers. /rant

If any of this resonates with you get involved with the distribution network where we circulate resources for everyone's sake at r/distributionNetwork :

Also, still working on this website but it's mostly done, it's a more complete explanation of how the distribution network works:

#distributionNetwork💬 #distribution💬 #advice💬

#fskynet💬 #capitalism💬

+0 comment
4 months ago

How has technology steered our minds?

What have we become?

While technology delivered infinitely powerful tools to augment our minds, that same technology slowly became ubiquitous, addictive, and inescapable. As we became dependent on it, the companies who depended on selling it to us became dependent on ways to monetize our attention. Our technologies evolved into digital slot machines, pandering to our base emotions, grasping for our attention and refusing to let go.

The very technology which showed such promise to free our minds had evolved into a tool of our enslavement.

It's time to take back our attention.

WARNING: This video does plug an expensive product, but the way it describes the history of our enslavement to our devices is extremely well done.


#attentioneconomy💬 #animation💬 #video💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-314 comments(1)
5 months ago

Great web comic about resisting planned obsolescence and the empowering practice of fixing things ourselves. Read the whole thing here:

#plannedobsolescence💬 #DIY💬 #fixit💬 #justsaynotolandfills💬 #repair💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-147 comments(2)
5 months ago

“Essentially, overshoot is a crisis of human behaviour,” says Merz. “For decades we’ve been telling people to change their behaviour without saying: ‘Change your behaviour.’ We’ve been saying ‘be more green’ or ‘fly less’, but meanwhile all of the things that drive behaviour have been pushing the other way. All of these subtle cues and not so subtle cues have literally been pushing the opposite direction – and we’ve been wondering why nothing’s changing.”

The paper explores how neuropsychology, social signalling and norms have been exploited to drive human behaviours which grow the economy, from consuming goods to having large families. The authors suggest that ancient drives to belong in a tribe or signal one’s status or attract a mate have been co-opted by marketing strategiesto create behaviours incompatible with a sustainable world.

“People are the victims – we have been exploited to the point we are in crisis. These tools are being used to drive us to extinction,” says the evolutionary behavioural ecologist and study co-author Phoebe Barnard. “Why not use them to build a genuinely sustainable world?”

#climatechange💬 #psychology💬 #quote💬
#globalwarming💬 #fskynet💬

tagged: #article💬

+9 comments(1)