30 months ago www.ethicalconsumer.org "since 1989"
Ethical Consumer is a great buyers guide to being sure you're not supporting something really bad when you buy stuff.
I went there looking for advice about buying a tablet, and certain brands were recommended over other brands, while certain brands were singled out as especially problematic, but ultimately it said the most ethical option is buying something refurbished or second hand. (This was 2022).
It's literally the very first post ever posted on Openbook. It clearly states that the first line of tags following the content of the post should be 2 to 3 tags describing the post, starting from the broadest topic to the most specific subject. This is like our "Dewey Decimal System" on Openbook. This is how we categorize information, so that Openbook can be a useful tool, an accessible bank of knowledge that's easily navigated so that we can all use it to learn from each other efficiently. We take the extra time to check what tags are already listed on the "Search" page so we can see if there are pre-existing tags which are suitable to use. We do this to avoid lots of useless tags that all mean the same thing, or mean nothing at all. We try to have one tag for each meaning, so try not to create new tags unless there's no way to describe your post with existing tags.
So please, against all odds, please struggle to describe your post succinctly with three increasingly specific tags, no more, on the first line of tags after the post's content. This makes it easy for all of us to see what the content of a post is about, at a glance, so we don't waste each other's time. If you need to tag it with more than the three tags, just put those tags on a separate line after the first line of tags. Or put them in the text of the post.
P.S. How ridiculous is it that I fail the "Voigt-Kampff Test" Captcha half the time, cause it's so hard to read, but the bots are pouring over the castle walls like it ain't no thang...
This is a countdown to how much time we have left to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius!!! Only a couple years left... We gotta get our shit together!!!
The chemical industry has gotten way out of hand. The industrial complex is so over-reaching that it's hard to find anything that isn't full of toxins, and harder to figure out exactly which toxins. Lobbyists have muddled the truth, and slowed progress in regulation, as usual.. and when a chemical does finally get regulated, chemists often just swap out one molecule for another, give it another name, and the show goes on.
This operation calls for seeking out the truth to what things contains what chemicals. This includes food, household items, natural products - everything. What's in it? What don't we know?
32 months ago #Openbook101💬 is where we explain how to use Openbook, and how to get the most out of your time here.
Openbook is not a replacement for Facebook. It is something completely different. However, we do recommend getting off of Facebook, and using Openbook, instead... because of those differences.
Openbook was made to allow users to circumvent the mass culture of social media.
Openbook was made to allow technological laymen to more easily circumvent the mass surveillance of the internet.
Openbook was made to help detox your mind from your mind prisons, to grow beyond the narrow idea of who you are, and open your mind to who you could be. And to allow us to communicate more directly by stripping the message of the messenger.
To learn more about how to best use Openbook, read more #openbook101💬.
32 months ago We use hashtags wisely on the #openbook💬 of ~camp.
This means we use hashtags sparingly, and only when they indicate precisely what the post is about.
Do not use a new hashtag if there is an existing hashtag that you could use in it's place. You can browse pre-existing hashtags at the top of the search page. Only use a new hashtag after giving it some thought.
Keep in mind that a wiki page is automatically generated for every hashtag we use on here, so if you use a new hashtag be prepared to write the initial wiki page for it, to provide a worthwhile definition, and give the rest of us some guidance on how to use it. You can get to the wiki page by clicking the little word bubble just to the right of any hashtag.
To mention a hashtag without tagging your own post with it, use @ instead of #. This helps us stay organized by allowing us refer to a topic or operation without labeling our post as a part of the topic or operation. That way, when people search for a topic, casual mentions of the topic won't show up in the search results.
Finally, to help categorize posts for the human eye, the very last line of any post should be just 2 or 3 hashtags which most accurately describe the post, with the first hashtag being the broadest topic, and the last hashtag being the most specific to the post.
32 months ago When sharing lessons with each other about how to better search for information, especially in regards to searching on the internet, we use the hashtag #searchlores💬.
search (v.):
1. to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something.
2. to uncover, find, or come to know by inquiry or scrutiny.
from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/search
This phrase is used in tribute to Fravia+ of ye olde website "searchlores" on which he explained in great detail how to get the most out of the internet and resist the tendency to be mislead or funneled into a certain worldview by search engines. Ah, the good old days... That was even before so-called "social media" started using artificial intelligence algorithms, unwittingly funneling us humans into filter bubbles, echo chambers, and other such psychological feedback loops.
34 months ago “Look man, we'd probably most of us agree that these are dark times, and stupid ones, but do we need fiction that does nothing but dramatize how dark and stupid everything is? In dark times, the definition of good art would seem to be art that locates and applies CPR to those elements of what's human and magical that still live and glow despite the times' darkness. Really good fiction could have as dark a worldview as it wished, but it'd find a way both to depict this world and to illuminate the possibilities for being alive and human in it.”