Browser activity and IP addresses are
being logged by government surveillance.

Anonymity is won only by understanding
and using multiple tools like Tor-Browser.
35 months ago

#reminder💬: Look up Extinction Rebellion.

#reminder💬 #fskynet💬

-111 comment
41 months ago
Above & Beyond - Group Therapy (Continuous Mix)
Mar 30, 2016

#musicmix💬 #AboveAndBeyond💬 #music💬


-114 comment
41 months ago

Here's a video of how to install Picroft a.k.a. Mycroft on a raspberry pi. It's an open-source voice assistant. The opensource alternative to Alexa and Siri and Google!!!! Pretty cool advance :) soldier on, humans! #fskynet💬

#howto💬 #RaspberryPi💬 #mycroft💬 #picroft💬

-128 comment
42 months ago

For when the humans need a little comic relief from the 'rona virus....

#fskynet💬 muthafuckas

-109 comment
44 months ago

Openbook is Anonymous' answer to Facebook.

The problem was the mass surveillance.
The problem was the mass hysteria.
The problem was the algorithmic newsfeed.
The problem was that everything you said was tied to your irl identity.

The problem was the Ad Hominem Fallacy.

Openbook is our solution.

#openbook💬 #openbook101💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-281 comments(1)
45 months ago

Love me, I'm a Liberal!

Phil Ochs performed at many political events during the 1960s counterculture era, including anti-Vietnam War, civil rights rallies, and organized labor events.

He references what many activists realize at some point. Liberals are the biggest enemy of a revolution. They are the legalized "alternative". They water it down, and put out the flame. A safe haven of cowardice in a world that requires much more radical change.

tagged: #anonFM💬 #fskynet💬

-120 comments(2)
46 months ago


We should embrace ingenuity, not erase it!

"Too often, the city of Portland does battle with communities like Hazelnut Grove rather than building from the leadership on the streets"

Here's a great article on what homeless camps are constantly dealing with. Even as the homeless invent ingenious solutions to their own problems, the City of Portland, Oregon keeps trying to tear down the grass roots solutions only to erect their own top-down model of the same thing.

#HomelessRights💬 #PortlandOR💬 #Article💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-111 comments(1)
52 months ago

Learn how to draw! This guy showed people who think that they can't draw, that they actually can draw, in just a few minutes!

#learn💬 #howto💬 #draw💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-280 comments(1)
53 months ago

Since we're all stuck at home during this (hopefully-over-soon) pandemic, here's a cool way to see the world through someone else's window! 10-minute videos people around the world have recorded of their view.

#covid19💬 #mentalhealth💬 #wellbeing💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-88 comments(1)