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2 weeks ago

“Essentially, overshoot is a crisis of human behaviour,” says Merz. “For decades we’ve been telling people to change their behaviour without saying: ‘Change your behaviour.’ We’ve been saying ‘be more green’ or ‘fly less’, but meanwhile all of the things that drive behaviour have been pushing the other way. All of these subtle cues and not so subtle cues have literally been pushing the opposite direction – and we’ve been wondering why nothing’s changing.”

The paper explores how neuropsychology, social signalling and norms have been exploited to drive human behaviours which grow the economy, from consuming goods to having large families. The authors suggest that ancient drives to belong in a tribe or signal one’s status or attract a mate have been co-opted by marketing strategiesto create behaviours incompatible with a sustainable world.

“People are the victims – we have been exploited to the point we are in crisis. These tools are being used to drive us to extinction,” says the evolutionary behavioural ecologist and study co-author Phoebe Barnard. “Why not use them to build a genuinely sustainable world?”

#climatechange💬 #psychology💬 #quote💬
#globalwarming💬 #fskynet💬

tagged: #article💬

+9 comments(1)
5 months ago

Interesting #article💬 about the breakdown of our climate being due to a "behavioral crisis" driven by marketing. The accumulation of advertisers and counter-intelligence programs to confuse and persuade the populace for a variety of profit-motivated reasons have conspired to rob us of our better judgment and left the populace degenerating into consumerist addicts who cannot address large collective problems or have a cohesive narrative or conversation that won't be polluted by corporate interests.

“We’ve socially engineered ourselves the way we geoengineered the planet,” says Joseph Merz, lead author of a new paper which proposes that climate breakdown is a symptom of ecological overshoot, which in turn is caused by the deliberate exploitation of human behaviour.

#climatechange💬 #psychology💬 #article💬
#globalwarming💬 #fskynet💬

-7 comments(1)
17 months ago

Here is a thoughtful proposal about how to stop advanced AI, specifically Artificial General Intelligence, from becoming superintelligent and killing us all. A well-known top AI researcher has called for preventative measures to bomb data centers which contain the AI data training, and put a hard legal limit on the computational power used in an AGI system.

#AI💬 #defense💬 #article💬

As a solution, Yudkowsky suggests a moratorium on new large training runs, which should be indefinite and worldwide.

He recommends shutting down all the large GPU clusters, which are the large computer farms where the most powerful AIs are refined, and putting a ceiling on how much computing power anyone is allowed to use in training an AI system.

Yudkowsky argues that no exceptions should be made for governments and militaries, and that immediate multinational agreements are needed to prevent prohibited activities from moving elsewhere.

In order to enforce these regulations, Yudkowsky proposes tracking all GPUs sold, and being less scared of a shooting conflict between nations than of the moratorium being violated. He suggests that rogue data centres should be destroyed by airstrikes if necessary."


-77 comment
18 months ago

Here’s Why AI May Be Extremely Dangerous—Whether It’s Conscious or Not
This article does a great job of explaining the crisis humanity is facing with the rapid advance of our latest A.I. systems threatening to out-think and out-maneuver us within a matter of years.

#HUSIA💬 #explainer💬 #article💬


-56 comment
40 months ago


We should embrace ingenuity, not erase it!

"Too often, the city of Portland does battle with communities like Hazelnut Grove rather than building from the leadership on the streets"

Here's a great article on what homeless camps are constantly dealing with. Even as the homeless invent ingenious solutions to their own problems, the City of Portland, Oregon keeps trying to tear down the grass roots solutions only to erect their own top-down model of the same thing.

#HomelessRights💬 #PortlandOR💬 #Article💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-110 comments(1)