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67 months ago

"Maybe raising children really is a thankless task. Maybe there’s no reason to thank someone for putting their energies into a human who did not need to born. Then should we be trying to work against this impulse—as Miles said—pass through our childbearing years without bearing a child, no matter how much we might desire it; but to selflessly and with all our might do whatever we can to avoid it? To find our value and greatness in some place apart from mothering, as a man must find his worth and greatness in some place apart from domination and violence, and the more men and women who do this, the better off the world will be? Miles said we value warring and dominating men, the same way we revere the mother. The egoism of childbearing is like the egoism of colonizing a country—both carry the wish of imprinting yourself on the world, and making it over with your values, and in your image."

tagged: #quote💬 #foodforthought💬 #fskynet💬

30 months ago
