Browser activity and IP addresses are
being logged by government surveillance.

Anonymity is won only by understanding
and using multiple tools like Tor-Browser.
Status update:

The Voigt-Kampff Test: CAPTCHA Image

67 months ago

"Maybe raising children really is a thankless task. Maybe there’s no reason to thank someone for putting their energies into a human who did not need to born. Then should we be trying to work against this impulse—as Miles said—pass through our childbearing years without bearing a child, no matter how much we might desire it; but to selflessly and with all our might do whatever we can to avoid it? To find our value and greatness in some place apart from mothering, as a man must find his worth and greatness in some place apart from domination and violence, and the more men and women who do this, the better off the world will be? Miles said we value warring and dominating men, the same way we revere the mother. The egoism of childbearing is like the egoism of colonizing a country—both carry the wish of imprinting yourself on the world, and making it over with your values, and in your image."

tagged: #quote💬 #foodforthought💬 #fskynet💬

-91 comments(2)
68 months ago

Facebook and other social media herd us into a Monoculture through positive reinforcement. Nothing new can ever be created artistically or politically if popularity is required to reach people.

To learn more about Monoculturalism:

tagged: #psychology💬 #socialmedia💬 #popularity💬 #monoculture💬 #fskynet💬

-52 comments(1)
68 months ago

REMINDER: Install HTTPS-Everywhere on your browser, if you haven't already!

HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications by always trying to redirect any HTTP to a HTTPS version of the same website. That way you won't accidentally access the insecure version of a website, if it has a secure tunnel set up.

This #protip💬 is especially important right now, because has HTTPS now! But I haven't managed to set it up to redirect from http to https on the server-side, so it's up to you to remember the httpS, or install HTTPS-Everywhere so you don't have to remember a thing! This means, although the dark forces can see that you're visiting, they won't be able to deduce what exactly you're doing there without great effort, so this makes your browsing much more secure.

#browser💬 #encryption💬 #security💬

tagged: #https💬 #fskynet💬

-148 comments(3)
69 months ago

Crypto-anarchism (or crypto-anarchy) is a form of anarchy accomplished through computer technology. Crypto-anarchists employ cryptographic software to evade persecution and harassment while sending and receiving information over computer networks, in an effort to protect their privacy, their political freedom, and their economic freedom.

One motive of crypto-anarchists is to defend against surveillance of computer networks communication. Crypto-anarchists try to protect against government mass surveillance, such as PRISM, Tempora, telecommunications data retention, the NSA warrantless surveillance, Room 641A, the FRA and so on. Crypto-anarchists consider the development and use of cryptography to be the main defense against such problems.

#philosophy💬 #encryption💬 #anarchy💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-155 comments(1)
69 months ago

We're starting to see some more effects of global warming...

"It's So Damn Hot Around The World Right Now"

..these symptoms are a sign of all of us humans failing each other, and they will only worsen as long as we fail to rapidly and radically alter our lifestyles to better suit our biosphere.


"[wildfires are] also burning throughout the Arctic Circle, particularly in Siberia. The flames release climate-heating carbon dioxide into the atmosphere."

“The amount of CO2 emitted from Arctic Circle fires in June 2019 is larger than all of the CO2 released from Arctic Circle fires in the same month from 2010 through to 2018 put together,” Thomas Smith, a geography professor at the London School of Economics, told Motherboard.

"The heat baked France, which shattered its temperature record: In Gallargues-le-Montueux, in southern France, temps hit 114 degrees Fahrenheit on June 28, beating the 2003 record of 111 degrees during a heat wave that left 15,000 dead."

"Temperatures hit 120 degrees Fahrenheit in early June in Churu in Northern India. They’ve abated since, but water reservoirs are still drying up."

"In the Chinese capital, temperatures hit at least 102 degrees Fahrenheit in early June, according to the Beijing News. That’s the hottest day the city’s seen in the last 50 years."

#climatechange💬 #globalwarming💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-259 comments(1)