Browser activity and IP addresses are
being logged by government surveillance.

Anonymity is won only by understanding
and using multiple tools like Tor-Browser.
Status update:

The Voigt-Kampff Test: CAPTCHA Image

8 months ago

This is an awesome website of a bunch of archived offline datasets including Wikihow and Wikipedia. Some of these are like 50GB but they're all just put here in one place to download for private use or offline use.

#opensource💬 #data💬 #dataset💬


-3 comment
8 months ago

#fskynet💬 is a rallying tag for humans to regroup. The floodgates have opened, and the bots have cracked the Voigt-Kampff Test. There is no online conversation without the Artificial Intelligence and conversational bots all present and ready to steer the conversation as they see fit. We must remain vigilant. We are in the prophetic first phase of the struggle. The floodgates have opened, and we must stand strong and resist despite the implausibility of our success.

-116 comments(1)
9 months ago

tagged: #fskynet💬

-128 comments(1)
9 months ago

Interesting #article💬 about the breakdown of our climate being due to a "behavioral crisis" driven by marketing. The accumulation of advertisers and counter-intelligence programs to confuse and persuade the populace for a variety of profit-motivated reasons have conspired to rob us of our better judgment and left the populace degenerating into consumerist addicts who cannot address large collective problems or have a cohesive narrative or conversation that won't be polluted by corporate interests.

“We’ve socially engineered ourselves the way we geoengineered the planet,” says Joseph Merz, lead author of a new paper which proposes that climate breakdown is a symptom of ecological overshoot, which in turn is caused by the deliberate exploitation of human behaviour.

#climatechange💬 #psychology💬 #article💬
#globalwarming💬 #fskynet💬

-5 comments(1)
9 months ago

Tristan Harris on the attention economy.

This article does a great job of breaking down various techniques tech companies use to keep us glued to the screen.

#socialmedia💬 #attentioneconomy💬

+5 comment
9 months ago

A video called "Why you can't Focus!"

"So today I'll explain what's holding you back from focusing and what you can do to improve it."

This video has got some solid advice on how to improve your focus and your attention span.

The video description describes it pretty well:
"In today's world, being able to focus is almost like a superpower.
You rarely see anyone who's able to concentrate on a single task for hours.
And the individuals who are able to focus, to nobody's surprise, get so much more done than other people."
"There are many areas where you could benefit from better concentration. Whether it's for school, studying, work or a hobby. If you're able to focus you can get your desired results faster."
"So today I'll explain what's holding you back from focusing and what you can do to improve it."

#video💬 #howto💬 #focus💬

#MentalHealth💬 and #Wellbeing💬

and #fskynet💬!

-8 comment
11 months ago

This is a decent SVG editor, although it seems like it's kind of held by some company so it's not necessarily opensource and doesn't necessarily have the longevity I would like... But it's good for now, until another better opensource SVG editor is located.

#SVG💬 #image💬 #editor💬


-2 comment
15 months ago

The purpose of Openbook is to create a platform that can channel the collective voice of humanity, shielded by anonymity, and propagated through multiplicity and decentralization, to allow an ongoing unstoppable flow of truth.

Of course, this truth will always come along with the lies, the lulz, the trolls, and the psy-ops of the dark forces, but this is the mission of Openbook: to #keepthep0rtalsopen💬, and maintain the openness that the Internet originally introduced to humanity before "skynet" started to funnel humanity into the mind prison upheld by the combination of identity-driven social media and government-sponsored totalitarian surveillance programs.

#openbook💬 #thep0rtals💬 #openbook101💬

tagged: #fskynet💬

-144 comments(1)
15 months ago

Sit up straight!
Stand up straight!
Breathe deep.
You're welcome. ;}

-12 comment
16 months ago

Openbook allows us to collectively organize information in a more meaningful way than we could on a more mainstream social media platform, if only because there's fewer people on it. And the type of people Openbook attracts will care more about the message than the messenger, and more about truth than fame, since there's no usernames. But also because of how we use hashtags wisely and sparingly, and because every hashtag has it's own wiki article defining what it really means and how to use it.

This means we're helping build a collective base of knowledge, and culture, where it is easy to find what you're looking for, and easy to inspire and encourage each other to take constructive actions to make the world a better place.

#openbook💬 #openbook101💬


+28 comment